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Hardware Information

ftd1232 transFTD1232 - USB to TTL Serial Adapter - 3.3V and 5V Operation


usb ttl ft232rl pinout


DTR: Data Terminal Ready - an output used for flow control
RX: Serial data Receive pin
TX: Serial data Transmit pin
VCC: Positive voltage output - this is controlled by the jumper. If the jumper is set to 5V, this will provide a 5V output. If the jumper is set to 3.3V, this will provide a 3.3V output.
CTS: Clear To Send - an input used for flow control
GND: Ground or 0V

For most uses, you can simply connect the following pins:

  • RX on this board to the TX pin on your device
  • TX on this board to the RX pin on your device
  • GND on this board to GND on your device

The VCC pin is ideal for powering small devices such as homemade circuits. This pin should not be connected when a device has a separate power supply as this may damage both devices.

- ftdichip.com - Drivers

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Geekcreit® USB To RS485 TTL Serial Converter Adapter FTDI Interface FT232RL 75176 Module

Standard: USB2.0 standard, backward compatible, in line with the standard RS485
Direction control: the use of automatic data flow control, auto distinguish and control data transfer direction
Baud: 300-9216000bps, automatically detecting the serial signal data rate
Load capacity: support multipoint, each converter allows RS485 interface device to connect 32
Interface Protection: TVS tube protection, USB self-recovery protection
Size: Approx. 76 x 18.5 x 16mm

Package included:
1 x Serial Converter Module


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100 Stücke Mini Mikro JST 2.0 PH 2 Stifte Steckverbinder Stecker Mit 120mm Drähte Kabel

 Teil: Steckverbinder / Verdrahtung
 Modell: PH 2.0mm
 Brennstoffquelle: Elektrisch
 Länge: 120mm
 Draht: 26AWG
 Menge: 50Sets

 Pole: 2
 Verwendbarer Draht: AWG # 26
 PH 2.0mm 2-polig Buchse Gehäuse Stecker mit Draht x 50 Stk
 PH 2.0mm 2-polig Stecker 1 x Stk

Paket beinhaltet:
 PH 2.0mm 2-polig Buchse Gehäuse Stecker mit Draht x 50 Stk
 PH 2.0mm 2-polig Stecker 1 x Stk

 AWG Nummer Kabel-Querschnitt mm² Außen-Durchmesser Ø mm Leiter-Widerstand in Ohm/m
 26  0,1280  0,4050  0.146


- ePH.pdf

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