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  • Failed loading XML... Opening and ending tag mismatch: link line 1 and head Entity 'hellip' not defined Entity 'hellip' not defined Entity 'hellip' not defined Entity 'hellip' not defined Entity 'hellip' not defined Entity 'hellip' not defined Entity 'hellip' not defined Entity 'hellip' not defined Entity 'hellip' not defined Entity 'hellip' not defined Entity 'raquo' not defined Entity 'nbsp' not defined Entity 'nbsp' not defined Entity 'nbsp' not defined Entity 'nbsp' not defined Entity 'nbsp' not defined Opening and ending tag mismatch: link line 1 and html Premature end of data in tag meta line 1
  • Failed loading XML... Opening and ending tag mismatch: link line 1 and head Opening and ending tag mismatch: img line 1 and a Opening and ending tag mismatch: a line 1 and div Opening and ending tag mismatch: input line 1 and p Opening and ending tag mismatch: input line 1 and form Opening and ending tag mismatch: input line 1 and div Opening and ending tag mismatch: p line 1 and div Opening and ending tag mismatch: form line 1 and div Opening and ending tag mismatch: hr line 1 and div Specification mandates value for attribute disabled attributes construct error Couldn't find end of Start Tag option line 1 Opening and ending tag mismatch: select line 1 and option Entity 'agrave' not defined Entity 'ntilde' not defined Entity 'ccedil' not defined Entity 'nbsp' not defined Entity 'aring' not defined Entity 'ecirc' not defined Entity 'acirc' not defined Entity 'uuml' not defined Entity 'ccedil' not defined Opening and ending tag mismatch: div line 1 and select Opening and ending tag mismatch: hr line 1 and div Entity 'emsp' not defined Entity 'copy' not defined Opening and ending tag mismatch: br line 1 and p Opening and ending tag mismatch: br line 1 and div Opening and ending tag mismatch: p line 1 and div Opening and ending tag mismatch: div line 1 and body Opening and ending tag mismatch: hr line 1 and html Premature end of data in tag hr line 1

my wish with Proxmox would be:
Have some virtuell Server KVM and OpenVZ and reach them with IPv6
The Proxmox Host (Server) itself dont't need IPv6, he will only be reached in a local Network with a Privat IPv4

the Question was/is how to do it:


So what nedd to be configured on the Proxmox Server?

And what need to be configured on the KVM and the openVZ Server?


 Host Proxmox Server Config if needed  
 openVZ Config for IPv6  
 KVM Config for IPv6  

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