OpenVSwitch Installation in a Proxmox Installation




1. install openvswitch - important: /etc/apt/sources.list must contain "deb wheezy pvetest"


2. apt-get install openvswitch-switch


Following steps by WEB-GUI:

3. If you continue using existing physical NICs at host and IP address: remove IP-address and ports from vmbr0

4. create an ovs bridge e.g. vmbr1(no ports for the moment) and assign the desired IP address, probably, activate autostart too

5. create an ovs bond with slaves eth0 eth1 (I suppose) and select as bridge vmbr1

6. assign the virtual NICs in the VMs to vmbr1

7. reboot

You can verify after reboot the proper configuration by
Code:   ovs-vsctl show
should show your configuration (bridge, ports), version must be 2.0.90 or higher
