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mount & fstab


   mkdir /mnt/shares/srv03-bkp-joomla    
  apt install -y cifs-utils    
  mount.cifs //  /mnt/shares/srv03-bkp-joomla/ -o user=user1,pass=user1password    
fstab //  /mnt/shares/srv03-bkp-joomla  cifs  username=user1,password=user1password  0  0    
rsync -zarv  --prune-empty-dirs --include "*/"  --include="*.sh" --exclude="*" "$from" "$to"










Mounting the Share in Linux 1. On your Linux machine, open terminal.

  • Make sure you have the nfs-common package installed. To do this in Unbuntu:

sudo apt-get install nfs-common

  • Otherwise, consult your system documentation or package manger for more info.
  • To mount an NFS, you first have to create the folder to which you want it to mount. Type this to create a directory:

sudo mkdir /mnt/<insertfoldername>

  • Now, once that is created, you can mount the share. Type:

sudo mount -t nfs4 <IP Address>:/<DriveVolumeName>/<NameofShare> /mnt/<FolderyouCreated>

  • What all this means:
    • -t : Is used to tell the system that this is just an ordinary mount command. You use this when you do not have the drive information located in /etc/fstab
    • nfs : Tells the type of share you are trying to mount.
    • <IP Address>:/ : IP address of the drive you are trying to mount.
    • <DriveVolumeName>/ : Volume Name of the actual hard drive that you want to mount. This defaults to DataVolume.
    • <NameofShare> : The Share within the Volume of the hard drive that you want to mount.
    • /mnt/<FolderyouCreated> : The location to which you want your share to be mounted. Remember that it is the folder that you already created.
  • Note: This will not create a shortcut on your desktop, nor will it show up in Computer. You will have to browse to the location of the folder. Normally this will be in Computer, under Filesystem and then mnt.

For example:

sudo mount -t nfs4 /mnt/Public


Sudo mount -t  /mnt/NAS  nfs username=administrator,password=pass  0 0 




- Mounting the Share in Linux  
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Die php.ini datei beinhaltet die konfiguration und parameter. Zum Beispiel




apassungen erfolgen

sudo su

vi /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini


nach der anpassung muss apatch neu gestartet werden.

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart



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