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Dabei funktioniert bei mir der boinc_credit leider nicht

cd /etc/munin/plugins/

boinc_credit            | yes  |
boinc_processes         | yes  |
boinc_projs                | yes  |
boinc_wus                  | yes  |


wie erwähnt geht der Boinc_credit nicht

# munin-run boinc_credit
Bareword "statsurl" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /etc/munin/plugins/boinc_credit line 43.
syntax error at /etc/munin/plugins/boinc_credit line 44, near "my "
Global symbol "$TICK" requires explicit package name at /etc/munin/plugins/boinc_credit line 44.
Global symbol "$TICK" requires explicit package name at /etc/munin/plugins/boinc_credit line 68.
Global symbol "$TICK" requires explicit package name at /etc/munin/plugins/boinc_credit line 104.
Missing right curly or square bracket at /etc/munin/plugins/boinc_credit line 233, at end of line
Execution of /etc/munin/plugins/boinc_credit aborted due to compilation errors.

nachstehend was in den Zeilen steht 

 42 my $CPID     = $ENV{cpid};
 43 my $STATSURL = $ENV{statsurl || "$CPID";
 44 my $TICK = $ENV{tick} || 60;    # minutes


65     my @projdata = @_;
 67     # Do we need to save this data?
 68     if ( !defined $lastread or time >= $lastread + ( $TICK * 60 ) ) {
 69         $lastread = time;


104     if ( !defined $lastread or time >= ( $lastread + ( $TICK * 60 ) ) ) {
106         # Data is stale


230       $_->{creditfract} * 100, $_->{credit}, $_->{totalcredit};
231 }
232 save_data(@projdata);
233 exit 0;

Line 233 ist die letzte Zeile im plugin